[Updated 23 Nov 2015]Technical Reference
Cpp Ref. Book Thinking In C++ The C++ Programming Language Inside The C++ Object Model The Standard C++ Bible Effective C++ More Effective C++ Exceptional C++ 程序設計實踐 C++面向對象高效編程(C++ Effective Object-Oriented Software Construction) 面向對象軟件構造(Object-Oriented Software Construction) 設計模式(Design Patterns) The Art of Computer Programming Circuit Design Microelectronic Circuit Design --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Software Development library OpenCV OpenCV for C# - EmguCV http://www.emgu.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page OpenNI Deep Learning - Torch Deep Learning - TensorFlow --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Engine Structure Input Device Screen Manager Graphical Device Audio Device Physical Device Content Manager Text Device State Manager Network Device ---------------------------------------------------...