[Error Log|Solved] strcpy clear source
From Lab sample code.
answer_word is clear although it is const char*.
#include "stdio . h"
#include <iostream >
#include <cstdlib >
#include <ctime >
#include "string. h"
using namespace std ;
* The word guessing game
* display( const char[ ], int): Print out the character array in a single line.
void display_word( const char word[ ], int size)
// TODO 1: print the word
for (int i=0; i <size; i++)
printf ( "%c ", word[ i ]);
* success( char[ ], int): Check whether the secret word has been guessed.
bool success( const char guess_word[ ], int size)
// TODO 2: return true if the guess_word is completed, otherwise return false
for (int i=0; i <size; i++) {
if (guess_word[ i ] =='_')
return false;
return true;
* 1st hint function
* generate_hint_random_words( const char[ ], int, char[ ]): Generate a new character array by reordering the given array.
void generate_hint_random_words( const char answer_word[ ], int size, char hint[ ])
// TODO 3: randomize the characters in answer_word array and stored in hint array
char ch=0;
int temp=0;
strncpy ( hint, answer_word, size);
srand ( time( NULL));
for (int i=0; i <size; i++) {
temp = (rand ( ) %size);
ch = hint[ temp];
hint [ temp] = hint[ i ];
hint [ i ] = ch ;
* 2nd hint function
* generate_hint_unique_words( const char[ ], int, char[ ], int): Generate a new character array which contains distinct elements of the given character array.
void generate_hint_unique_words( const char answer_word[ ], int size, char hint[ ], int &num_unique)
// TODO 4: Generate the hint array by finding the unique characters and the number of unique characters in the answer_word
char *ch;
num_unique = 0;
ch = (char *) malloc( sizeof( char) *( size+1) ) ;
strncpy ( ch , answer_word, size);
ch [ size] = '\0';
for (int i=0; i <size;i++) {
for (int j=i+1; j<size; j++) {
if (ch [ i ] ==ch[ j])
ch [ j] =NULL;
if (ch [ i ]! =NULL)
hint [ num_unique++] = ch [ i ];
* 3rd hint funtion
* generate_hint_partial_words( const char[ ], int, char, int): Generate a new character array by replacing n partial characters in the given array with '*'.
void generate_hint_partial_words( const char answer_word[ ], int size, int n, char hint[ ])
// TODO 5: Generate the hint array by randomly replacing n characters in the answer_word
int temp=0;
strncpy ( hint, answer_word, size);
srand ( time( NULL));
for (int i=0; i <n;) {
temp = (rand ( ) %size);
if (hint[ temp]! ='*') {
hint [ temp] = '*';
* play( const char[ ], int, char[ ]): guess the secret word
void play( const char answer_word[ ], int size, char guess_word[ ])
int position = 0;
char character;
while (true)
cout << "Please choose the position [1-" << size << "] you want to fill in." << endl ;
cout << "Or you can enter 0 to quit the game: ";
cin >> position;
if (position == 0)
break ;
// check the position
while (position < 0 || position > size || guess_word[ position-1]! ='_')
cout << "Invalid position, please enter again: ";
cin >> position;
if (position == 0)
break ;
cout << "Please enter the character [a-z]: ";
cin >> character;
// check the input charater
while (character < 'a' || character > 'z')
cout << "Invalid character, please enter again: ";
cin >> character;
// TODO 6: complete the following
// 1. check if the user's input is correct or not against the secret word (i.e. answer_word[ ])
// 2. update the word puzzle (i.e. guess_word[ ]) with the user's input
// 3. check if the word puzzle is completed, i.e. all letters in the guess_word[ ] are filled in correctly
// 4. continue the game and display the word_puzzle (i.e. guess word)
if (character == answer_word[ position-1]) {
printf ( "Great choice : > Please continue!\n");
guess_word[ position-1] = character;
} else
printf ( "Seems to be a bad choice : < Try again\n");
if (success( guess_word, size)) {
printf ( "Congratulations! The secret word is: \n");
display_word( guess_word, size); // display the word puzzle
break ;
} else {
printf ( "Guess the word:\n");
display_word( guess_word, size); // display the word puzzle
cout << endl ;
int main( )
const char answer_word[ ] = { 's', 'e', 'm', 'e', 's', 't', 'e', 'r ' } ; // the secret word
const int SIZE = 8;
char hint[ SIZE+1] = {};
int num_unique = 0, hint_mode = 0, partial_size = 0;
char guess_word[ SIZE] = {}; // the word puzzle
char replay = 'n';
{ // print the main menu
cout << "******************************WELCOME TO THE WORD GUESSING GAME*****************************" << endl ;
cout << "Try to fill in the blanks with letters to figure out the secret word given the hint!" << endl << endl ;
cout << "Please choose one of the following hint mode:" <<endl ;
cout << "1. Randomized word"<< endl ;
cout << " e.g: If the secret word is 'lucky', the hint might be 'clyuk '. " << endl ;
cout << "2. Unique letters of the secret word" <<endl ;
cout << " e.g: If the secret word is 'address', the hint is 'adres '. " << endl ;
cout << "3. Partial word" <<endl ;
cout << " e.g: If the secret word is 'welcome', the hint might be 'w*lc*m*'. "<<endl ;
cout << "Please enter one of the hint mode: ";
cin >> hint_mode;
// check the input
while (hint_mode < 1 || hint_mode > 3)
cout << "Invalid input! Please choose one of the hint mode: ";
cin >> hint_mode;
// initialize the word puzzle
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
guess_word[ i ] = '_';
// generate a hint array according to the hint mode the player chosed
switch (hint_mode)
case 1 :
generate_hint_random_words( answer_word, SIZE, hint);
cout << "Hint: ";
display_word( hint, SIZE);
cout << endl ;
break ;
case 2:
generate_hint_unique_words( answer_word, SIZE, hint, num_unique);
cout << "Hint: ";
display_word( hint, num_unique);
cout << endl ;
break ;
case 3:
cout << "Please enter the number of characters you want to eliminate [1-4]: ";
cin >> partial_size;
while (partial_size < 1 || partial_size > 4)
cout << "Invalid input! Please enter the number of characters you want to eliminate [1-4]: ";
cin >> partial_size;
generate_hint_partial_words( answer_word, SIZE, partial_size, hint);
cout << "Hint: ";
display_word( hint, SIZE);
cout << endl ;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
if (hint[ i ] ! = '*')
guess_word[ i ] = hint[ i ];
break ;
default :
cerr << "Error: Invalid hint mode " << hint_mode << endl ;
break ;
cout << "Guess the word:" << endl ;
display_word( guess_word, SIZE); // display the word puzzle
cout << endl ;
play ( answer_word, SIZE, guess_word); // guess the secret word
cout << endl ;
cout << "Play again? (y/n) ";
cin >> replay;
cout << endl ;
} while (replay == 'y');
return 0;